Wednesday, April 29, 2020

4 Best Strategies to Answer an Essay Question

“I was so confused to see the essay question that I couldn’t write a single word.” This situation is experienced by a lot of students. Sometimes writing a good essay seems to be the most difficult task when you can’t figure out, what the essay question is asking from you.

Your brain is filled with quotes, stories, author names, you have a solid desire to express but nothing works when you are puzzled with the purpose of writing an essay.

This problem is magnified when time is less and you have a bunch of assignments piled up on your desk. Dear students, do not worry, the best online essay writing service experts are there to support you with their guidance and knowledge to solve this problem in no time.

 Read this write-up where you will find 4 best strategies to answer an essay question. Keep your hand on the mouse, it’s time to scroll down and know more.

Strategy 1: Circle all the main words

To answer an essay question, you should understand its main idea. Draw circles around the keywords and try to find out the connection between them. This will help you create a track in your mind to reach a particular goal. For example, circling the main verb will help you understand the purpose of the essay.

Strategy 2: Analyse all the possibilities

There are basically four major types of essay questions that are usually asked. So, to write a good answer, identify them by analyzing the main verb. Consider the following cases:
If you find words like state, summarize, outline, etc., then it is asking you to look back on some factual information.
If the main verb says explain or discuss, then you need to provide a main idea and present a detailed analysis with supporting points.
If it is asking you to prove, justify, illustrate, or evaluate, then you need to recall some existing theories and do a compare contrast with your own arguments and examples.
If there are words like “in your opinion,” then you need to write about your own point of view and provide examples and supporting points to prove it.

Strategy 3: Prepare an outline of points

 Once you completely understand the type of essay question, prepare an outline of all the main points and sub points that you want to present in the answer. This way, you can decide if it is to be answered in a single paragraph or multiple paragraphs.

Strategy 4: Follow all the rules of academic writing

 You must follow all the correct academic guidelines when writing an answer of the essay question. Make a proper use of punctuation. Ensure that it ends up with a good conclusion.

Use these four strategies and answer the essay question in the most appropriate manner. In case you still face difficulties then seek assistance from the best essay help Malaysia services from top-quality experts. Contact Global Assignment Help today.

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